Episode 5 - The Meaning of Life

We all have the desire to live out our calling, but figuring out what that calling is seems to be the question most people ask in life. What is it that I want to do with my life? What was I created to do? What brings me the most fulfilment? Everyone is searching for something that makes their life feel like it’s worth living. For most it ends up being the pursuit of money, fame, or recognition. But in those pursuits, there is something deeper that most are seeking. There is only one thing that is not temporary, one thing that is worth living for, worth pursuing, and worth putting above all else. That is love.

We would love to invite you to join us for our weekly podcast as we unpack and talk about one of the devotions from the 52 week Skate Church Movement devotional series.


Episode 6 - What is the Bible


Episode 4 - Why Search For Truth