Episode 4 - Why Search For Truth

“Clips or it didn’t happen.” We'd be surprised if you haven't heard that saying? Anyone can be quick to say that they kickflipped a 28 stair, bombed a massive hill without powersliding, dropped in switch on the over-vert section blindfolded with no clothes on, or wrestled that security guard to the ground who was bigger than two of your homies sandwiched together. The reality is, if nobody got a clip of it, or if no one was there to witness it or testify that it truly happened, than most likely it will probably be thought of as just a tall tale. In episode 4, we talk about the devotional, "Why Search For Truth". If truth exists–if you knew someone got the clip of something super gnarly, would you keep looking for it or just forget about it?

We would love to invite you to join us for our weekly podcast as we unpack and talk about one of the devotions from the 52 week Skate Church Movement devotional series.


Episode 5 - The Meaning of Life


Episode 3 - Why Were We Created