Episode 13 - The Character of God

For most people they will avoid ever approaching God or pursuing Him because they feel like they’re inadequate. They’ll stand on the sidelines of “Christianity” afraid to step in because they’re worried they aren’t good enough to do so, or that they won’t be accepted by God because of their past failures and mistakes. Others may worry that God is too strict and rules over us with an iron fist, but these ideas a far from the reality of God’s true character. The truth is that there is nothing we can do to make God love us more; however, there is also nothing we can do to make Him love us any less. So how much does He actually love us and why?

We would love to invite you to join us for our weekly podcast as we unpack and talk about one of the devotions from the 52 week Skate Church Movement devotional series.


Episode 14 - What is the Trinity


Episode 12 - Who is God